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Quezon City, Philippines


The Unified Land Information System (ULIS) aims to consolidate all land-related information of all parcels of land within an LGU. To operationalize a ULIS for an LGU, a Geographic Information System (GIS) is essential as the platform in developing various spatial attribute layers. 

A Geographic Information System is the whole system of efficiently capturing, storing, updating, manipulating, analyzing and, displaying all forms of geographically-referenced (spatial) information relative to staff, hardware, software and data.

Harnessing the power of GIS will give the LGU a fully functional, streamlined and effective spatial facility for local revenue generation, land administration and management (LAM) services. GIS serves as the crucial and dynamic link between the tax map, cadastral map database and records of existing real property and business tax application systems. 

Specifically, GIS: 

  •  Supports the collection, maintenance, analysis and display of spatially related information. 
  •  Widens the real property tax base to ensure no land parcels are missing from the RPT roll.
  •  Spatial analysis of tax results, collection efficiency and “what if” analysis for Councils to prepare better tax policy. 
  •  Powerful tool for physical planning and social planning especially when loaded with the cadastral parcels. 
  •  Spatial views of LGU assets, land resources, environmental geography and demography.
  •  Enables interpretation and projection of models, maps, drawings such as demographic changes, geo-hazard maps and land use modifications. 
  •  Enables the migration of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) drawings.

Aside from land information, GIS has the capacity to accommodate other layers of information for social, infrastructure and economic consideration. 

While there are many GIS software products in the market, LETS preferred Manifold for the Philippines local government environment and provided 200 licenses and training to LGUs during the recently completed LAMP2 project. The advantages are: 

  • Low cost ( around PhP 17,000 to PhP 50,000 per license) as compared to PhP 300,000 to PhP 500,000 for leading market brands 
  • Easy to use and therefore,  easy to train on 
  • Powerful tool  with many built-in functions 
  • High precision capability 
  • Highly customisable using all major coding languages 
  • Extensive cross-platform capability including import-export and database connectivity 
  • Web-compatible and can publish maps directly to the web 


Designed and developed by WebFocus Solutions, Inc. and hosted by Servobox.
